BacLground: Nurses frequently suffer from workplace violence, buc the public is often not fully aware of the situation because many evencs are noc widely reported.I'lethods: This study is an attempt to describe public percepdons of and reaccions co reports of incidence of violence against nurses in online newspapers. Articles abouc such violence in Viewamese online newspapers published from January to December 2019 as well as readers' commence on chose articles were collected for thematic analysis.Results: Nine assaults were reported in 152 articles, and 367 commence were lefc in che threads. The analysis found four chemes: I) proposing punishment, 2) showing sympathy. 3) being skeptical, and 4) making gender into accounc In particular. the audience called for stricter punishment of che cssaulcers and showed sympachy for be nurses. However, commenters’ prior experiences with poor nursing services sometimes made them skepcical about che motivacions of che acackers. Additionally, commencers saw the violence as a conflict between a man (assaulcer) and a woman (assaulcee) racher than between a client and a professional nurse.Conclusions: In general, the public showed support to nurses. Nurses should ake advantage of chis support to advocaceimproved policies and measures to protecc themselves from violence at work.
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